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Tenente Vellozo da Crus Fonte Santa

Oil on canvas portrait of Lieutenant Colonel José Vellozo da Cruz (1802-1887) painted by Augusto Roquemont (Collection of Dr. Luís Velloso Ferreira)

Tenente Vellozo da Crus Fonte Santa

Coat of arms of the Vellozo da Cruz family. Illumination of the Coat of Arms granted by King Luis I to Lieutenant-Colonel José Vellozo da Cruz (25.9.1863). (Collection of Dr. Luís Velloso Ferreira)

José Vellozo da Cruz was born on August 9th, 1802, in the parish of Santa Marinha, Vila Nova de Gaia.

While his brothers Joaquim and Francisco would distinguish themselves primarily, the former in a political career and the latter in academia, José Vellozo da Cruz would distinguish himself through his military life. Manuel Rodrigues dos Santos writes about him:

After the lifting of the Siege, and the restoration of this Villa, the famous and heroic Battalion of the Polish of Serra, far from being allowed any rest due to the long hardships it had endured, was immediately informed of the precious losses it had unfortunately suffered in the defense of that stronghold, along with other young men who aspired to share the glories of this brave corps. It was then mobilized and became part of the Army that traversed and pacified the entire Kingdom from North to South; it participated in many battles and finally returned to this Villa, to its dear Homeland, covered in glory and with the inextinguishable laurels that will eternalize its name and its victories.

And further:

In addition to reinforcing that corps, three more Battalions were organized in the Council of Gaya, which were very numerous and valiant, and were named Provisional Battalions. The command of the 1st of these, which belonged to this Villa, was given to the distinguished Patriot, Mr. José Vellozo da Cruz Jr., who was made a Knight of the Order of the Tower and Sword for his services. These Corps served in their district until the complete pacification of the Kingdom, earning much praise for their conduct.

The press of the time refers to his death, which occurred, as previously mentioned, on February 28th, 1887:

On Sunday, Mr. José Velloso da Cruz, who had been the treasurer of the customs of this city, passed away at his house in Fonte Santa, in Villa Nova de Gaia. He was a highly esteemed gentleman. José Velloso da Cruz had distinguished himself greatly in the campaigns of freedom, commanding the 1st provisional national battalion of Gaia as a Lieutenant Colonel. He had Medal No. 9 of the Campaigns and was a knight fidalgo of the royal house, a Commander of the Order of Conception, and an officer of the Tower and Sword.

José Velloso da Cruz was born on August 9th, 1802, in the parish of Santa Marinha, Vila Nova de Gaia, and died there, unmarried, at his Quinta da Fonte Santa on February 28th, 1887. He was a Lieutenant Colonel, Commander of the National Guard of Vila Nova de Gaia, General Treasurer of the Customs of the city of Porto, with a salary of 600,000 réis, a Fidalgo of the Coat of Arms (Letter of September 25th, 1863), a Knight Fidalgo of the Royal House, an Officer of the Tower and Sword, a Commander of the Order of Our Lady of Conception of Vila Viçosa, decorated with Medal No. 9 of the Campaigns of Liberty, lord of the aforementioned Casa and Quinta da Fonte Santa, and of the Casa and Quinta da Caneira, in Murtosa, Estarreja municipality, which he bequeathed to his nephew António Vellozo da Cruz by will.

Subscriber for the maintenance of the Portuense Asylum for Infants.

While his brothers Joaquim and Francisco would distinguish themselves primarily, the former in a political career and the latter in academia, José Vellozo da Cruz would distinguish himself through his military life. Manuel Rodrigues dos Santos writes about him:

After the lifting of the Siege, and the restoration of this Villa, the famous and heroic Battalion of the Polish of Serra, far from being allowed any rest due to the long hardships it had endured, was immediately informed of the precious losses it had unfortunately suffered in the defense of that stronghold, along with other young men who aspired to share the glories of this brave corps. It was then mobilized and became part of the Army that traversed and pacified the entire Kingdom from North to South; it participated in many battles and finally returned to this Villa, to its dear Homeland, covered in glory and with the inextinguishable laurels that will eternalize its name and its victories.

And further:

In addition to reinforcing that corps, three more Battalions were organized in the Council of Gaya, which were very numerous and valiant, and were named Provisional Battalions. The command of the 1st of these, which belonged to this Villa, was given to the distinguished Patriot, Mr. José Vellozo da Cruz Jr., who was made a Knight of the Order of the Tower and Sword for his services. These Corps served in their district until the complete pacification of the Kingdom, earning much praise for their conduct.

The press of the time refers to his death, which occurred, as previously mentioned, on February 28th, 1887:

Sunday, passed away at his home in Fonte Santa, in Villa Nova de Gaia. José Velloso da Cruz, who was the treasurer of the city's customs department. He was a very estimable gentleman.
José Velloso da Cruz distinguished himself greatly in the freedom campaigns, commanding the 1st provisional national battalion of Gaia, with the rank of lieutenant colonel. He had campaign medal No. 9 and was a noble knight of the royal house, commendator of the Order of the Conception and officer of the Tower and Sword.

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